I had a great question from a new client recently and I wanted to share with you my answer (along with the question).
Many clients who come to me love the fact that I have a lived experience of an eating disorder. However, a client was worried that as we worked together, that this may trigger me.
So here is my answer I gave to them and I give to you:
You are not responsible for my emotions, it is up to me to manage any triggers that arise for me
I tend to find that this work doesn't actually trigger me because I have done extensive personal therapy work on my own eating issues and I have over 5 years of recovery under my belt.
I have regular clinical supervision as per BABCP requirements for me to work in an ethical way. My clinical supervisor is a Clinical Psychologist who has over 20 years clinical experience in eating disorders
I regularly reflect on my work and use this as part of my BABCP accreditation - it's why it's so important to seek out an accredited practitioner.
Working ethically means I must avoid harm (where known and possible) to the client
It's so important to ask these questions though and I will always give you an honest answer, and when I don't know the answer, I will go and research and find out.
I hope this helps you in your decision making process. Don't be afraid to ask your therapist these kinds of questions.
